Exchange rate list

Exchange rate list

Exchange rates number 208 from 22.10.2024. 00:00:00

Currency Unit Buying rate Middle rate Selling rate
flag GBP 1 0,858978 0,833150 0,807322
flag USD 1 1,123286 1,085300 1,047315
flag RSD 1 121,732052 112,368048
flag RON 1 5,172388 4,973450 4,774512
flag BAM 1 2,018417 1,955830 1,893243
flag PLN 1 4,490200 4,317500 4,144800
flag AUD 1 1,674936 1,623000 1,571064
flag CAD 1 1,547794 1,499800 1,451806
flag CNY 1 8,028384 7,719600 7,410816
flag CZK 1 26,152380 25,268000 24,383620
flag DKK 1 7,689920 7,458700 7,227480
flag HKD 1 8,773180 8,435750 8,098320
flag HUF 1 417,664000 401,600000 385,536000
flag JPY 1 168,487650 162,790000 157,092350
flag NOK 1 12,204978 11,838000 11,471022
flag SGD 1 1,481272 1,424300 1,367328
flag SEK 1 11,781753 11,427500 11,073248
flag CHF 1 0,967078 0,938000 0,908922

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